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Order Status
When will my order ship?
  A majority of our parts are made per order, and will need to move through production.
Production times vary throughout the year, please reach out to us with any questions you may have.
Once your order ships, we will notify you via the email address provided on the order.
We will send over tracking information, like the carrier, and tracking number.
How do I change quantities or cancel an item in my order?
  Click the "My Account / Order Status" link at the top right hand side of our site to view orders you have placed. Then click the "Change quantities / cancel orders" link to find and edit your order. Please note that once an order has begun processing or has shipped, the order is no longer editable.
How do I track my order?
  Once your order has shipped, and you have received the shipping confirmation email, follow the link and information provided to track your order.
My order never arrived.
  If you received tracking information, and it has been marked as "delivered" but your order was never received, please contact us at 320-234-7223 so we can assist you.
We may need to verify some information with you, so have your order information ready.
An item is missing from my shipment.
  There are times where we may ship a partial order, and some items may not be available, or ready to ship.
You will receive tracking information regarding what was shipped, and when it shipped via email.
My product is missing parts.
  When smaller parts are ordered, they may be placed inside an envelope or pack inside the box to avoid getting stuck and lost in the packing material.

If a number plate is ordered with a bumper or grab bar, the bolts for the number plate will be attached to the plate.
If nerfs are ordered, your hardware kit will be wrapped with your nets, and foot pegs. The front and rear nerf mounts are wrapped together.

If parts are still missing, contact us via email or call us so we can get this resolved for you.
When will my backorder arrive?
  Backordered items are those which our suppliers are unable to predict when they will have more in stock, but as soon as they do, we will be able to ship the item to you.